APhA Seeks Candidates for the 2016 APhA Election

The American Pharmacists Association (APhA) announced a call for candidates in the 2016 APhA Board of Trustees, APhA Academy of Pharmacy Practice and Management (APhA-APPM) and APhA Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science (APhA-APRS) Election cycle. Applications are now available at www.pharmacist.com/elections.                    

APhA is seeking candidates for the offices of President-elect and Trustee (2 positions) for the APhA Board of Trustees. Review the President-elect and Trustee Application for more information, including: application requirements, desired characteristics, responsibilities, time commitment, and more.  

APhA-APPM is seeking members to serve on its expanded APhA-APPM Executive Committee, including Executive Committee Member-at-Large (3 positions) and New Practitioner Officer. Review the APhA-APPM Officer Application to learn more about the desired characteristics and responsibilities for each position.

APhA-APRS is seeking candidates to run for APhA-APRS President-elect, Postgraduate Officer and Chair-elect for each of the Academy’s Sections: Basic Sciences, Clinical Sciences and Economic, Social, and Administrative Sciences (ESAS). Review the APhA-APRS Officer Application to learn about the desired characteristics and responsibilities for each position.

Interested candidates must submit the online application by October 1, 2015. For more information, visit http://pharmacist.com/elections