Ready to lead with Leadership360 Institute
Pharmacists routinely heed the call to serve. At APhA, our members and staff are proud of our profession and what we have to offer on the front lines of health care. We will continue to nurture leadership and facilitate access to your services, in normal times AND in times of crisis.
To that end, we recently launched Leadership360 Institute, aimed at providing resources to achieve your full leadership potential while developing critical management skills for any pharmacy setting. The institute has three components: Lead360, Mentor360, and Manage360. Each track offers growth opportunities and a personalized focus on how you can achieve your goals.
The Leadership360 Institute helps pharmacists persevere and endure the challenges we face in pharmacy practice. Lead360 empowers participants to develop a leadership mindset and take a purposeful approach to life and leadership while fulfilling their values, interests, strengths, and needs. Mentor360 offers the opportunity to connect and collaborate to find your path forward in pharmacy. Manage360 will provide practical strategies to manage pharmacists’ staff, their practice settings, and themselves.
As new, interprofessional models of care evolve, having a highly trained and motivated cadre of pharmacy leaders will be a key for us to reach our full impact in patient care. I hope you’ll take a moment to explore the Leadership360 Institute website and consider how the program might help you continue to serve heroically and weather any challenge that comes your way.
There are many areas of practice and within your community in need of pharmacists’ leadership. Leadership360 Institute provides you the opportunity to develop and realize your full leadership potential. Leadership360 is for you!