An APhA staffer is inspired to join the profession!
This is the last week at APhA for Associate Director of Program Integrity Catherine Amey, who has served in the federal contracts and grants department since 2011. It’s always bittersweet to see a member of the APhA family move on, but this is a special case that really makes me smile. Catherine will enter the Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy in Nashville this fall.
Although Catherine began her APhA career with some interest in pharmacy, the passionate and dedicated pharmacists she worked with during her tenure at APhA ultimately inspired her to pursue the profession in a more direct way.
I’m always proud of my staff and honored to serve among such a committed group, who every day fight for the nation’s health by advocating for access to pharmacists’ patient care services. Many of us are pharmacists, but many aren’t—but we are all here because we believe in APhA’s mission to empower pharmacists to improve medication use and advance patient care.
Catherine certainly fits the bill and we’re thrilled to see her take the next step in her journey.
This isn’t the end of our relationship with Catherine. APhA offers student pharmacists many resources and opportunities to learn, lead, and connect through the APhA Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP): patient care projects and community service, career development, networking and professional meetings like the Summer Leadership Institute, Midyear Regional Meetings, and annual meeting, and more. Student pharmacists can also benefit from and even contribute to Student Pharmacist magazine.
For graduates transitioning into their new careers, APhA also boasts a rich selection of resources and support through our New Practitioner Network.
I’m excited to see Catherine enter the next phase of her relationship with pharmacy and with APhA. Thank you, Catherine, for everything you’ve done for APhA, and we wish you all the best in pharmacy school and beyond. We’re glad to have you on our team!