2016 APhA Election results: Exciting times ahead with new leadership
Back in August, I reached out to the APhA membership to ask for volunteers to put their names in the hat for elected volunteer leadership positions. I was impressed by the response of so many passionate, hardworking pharmacists who were ready to make an impact on the Association and the profession.
Every election comes with celebration and disappointment. I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the candidates who allowed themselves to be placed on the ballot this year. Win or lose, so much heart and soul goes into the process, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate everyone’s time, effort, and passion for the profession.
I’d like to congratulate Nicki L. Hilliard, PharmD, MHSA, BCNP, FAPhA, of Little Rock, AR, as 2017–2018 APhA President-elect. Elected to serve a 3-year term on APhA’s Board of Trustees, beginning in March 2017, are Sandra Leal, PharmD, MPH, FAPhA, CDE, of Tucson, AZ, and Randy McDonough, PharmD, MS, CGP, BCPS, FAPhA, of Iowa City. Philip P. Burgess, BSPharm, DPh, MBA, of Chicago, was elected as 2017–2018 Honorary President.
All officers will be installed at the 164th APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition in San Francisco on March 24–27, 2017.
I’d like to also congratulate the newly elected officers of the APhA Academy of Pharmacy Practice and Management (APhA–APPM) and the APhA Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science (APhA–APRS), who will also be installed at APhA2017. APhA–APPM elected the following officers: 2017–2019 APhA–APPM Executive Committee Members-at-Large David Barnes, BSPharm, BCNP, of Pembroke Pines, FL; Lt Col Ann D. McManis, BSPharm, MPA, of Vienna, VA; and Wendy Mobley–Bukstein, PharmD, BCACP, CDE, of Des Moines, IA; and 2017–2019 APhA–APPM New Practitioner Officer Stephanie Gernant, PharmD, of Plantation, FL.
APhA–APRS elected the following officers: 2017–2018 APhA–APRS President-elect Edward M. Bednarczyk, PharmD, FCCP, of Buffalo; 2017–2018 APhA–APRS Basic Sciences Section Chair-elect Elvin T. Price, PharmD, PhD, FAHA, of Little Rock, AR; 2017–2018 APhA–APRS Clinical Sciences Section Chair-elect Adriane N. Irwin, MS, PharmD, BCACP, of Albany, OR; 2017–2018 APhA–APRS Economic, Social and Administrative Sciences (ESAS) Section Chair-elect Michelle A. Chui, PharmD, PhD, of Madison, WI; and 2017–2019 APhA–APRS Postgraduate Officer Anthony Olson, PharmD, Med, of Burnsville, MN.
Visit www.pharmacist.com/apha-announces-results-2016-board-elections and www.pharmacist.com/apha-appm-and-apha-aprs-announce-2016-election-results to view the complete results of the 2016 elections and to learn more about our new leadership, including their bios. Please take the time to thank all of the candidates for their unwavering commitment to pharmacy on behalf of the patients we serve.
One of the biggest ways APhA remains an incredible member-driven organization is through the nomination of innovators and leaders for our many awards. The APhA awards and honors program is the most comprehensive recognition program in the profession of pharmacy, and every year we recognize numerous individuals, organizations, and schools/colleges of pharmacy for their contributions to advancing the profession of pharmacy.
Guidelines for nominations and complete criteria for each award are available at http://www.pharmacist.com/awards. Nominations for the 2017 APhA Awards program are due no later than September 1, 2016 (for Honorary President, October 15, 2016). For any APhA award–related questions, please e-mail awards@aphanet.org.